The Day I Was Born
Friday, February 28, 2025
Online Project - Discovering YOUR Place in History Since 1999

Performance Indicators for Grades 5-8

The following performance indicators should be used as guidelines in integrating technology into the content standards.

1.Technology Communication Tools
2. Technology Problem Solving and Decision-Making Tools
3. Technology Productivity Tools
4. Technology Research Tools
5. Social, Ethical, and Human Issues
6. Basic Operations and Concepts

Identify and define computer and networking terms (e.g. modem, file server, client station, LAN, Internet/Intranet, data storage device). (6)

Understand and apply common troubleshooting techniques. (6)

Demonstrate the operations of a computer (e.g., touch-keyboarding skills, save, organize and back-up files) and other peripheral devices (scanner, digital and video cameras, VCR, laser disc player) at an intermediate level. (6)

Compose and edit a multi-page document with appropriate formatting using word-processing skills. (e.g., menu, tool bars, dialog boxes, spell check, thesaurus, page layout, headers and footers, word count, margins, tabs, spacing, columns, page orientation)
(1, 3, 6)

Use information, media, and technology in a responsible manner which includes following the school’s acceptable use policy, adhering to copyright laws, respecting the rights of others, and employing proper etiquette in all forms of communication.(4, 5)

Recognize the importance of information technology and its effect on the workplace and society. (5)

Use multimedia tools and desktop publishing to develop and present computer-generated projects for directed and independent learning activities. (1,3)

Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, writing tools, digital cameras, drawing tools, web tools) to gather information for problem solving, communication, collaborative writing and publishing to create products for various audiences. (1,3,4)

Demonstrate intermediate e-mail skills (e.g., sending attachments, organizing an address book, forwarding messages). (1,4)

Understand Internet concepts (e.g., website, hypertext link, bookmarks, URL addresses) and apply intermediate on-line searching techniques (e.g., employ keyword, phrases, and Boolean Operators). (1,4)

Use telecommunications and online resources efficiently and effectively to collaborate with peers, experts, and others to investigate curriculum-related problems, issues, and information and to develop solutions or products for various audiences. (1,2,3,4)

Communicate information using spreadsheets and databases to visually represent data and integrate into other documents (e.g., entering data, formatting using formulas, analyzing data, and sorting). (1,2,3,4)

Determine when technology is useful and select the appropriate tool(s) and technology resources to address a variety of tasks and problems. (2)

Research and evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness, and bias of electronic information. (2,4,5)

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