The Day I Was Born
Monday, October 21, 2024
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Week 25 - Internet - Web Browser, Website, Update

Web Browser

Just what it sounds like. A software program that enables you to BROWSE or SURF the web. You can't access the Internet without
You have many choices . Among the most popular are:

'Netscape Navigator', which we sometimes use at school.

If you have 'America Online' (or AOL for short) they provide their own WEB BROWSER on one of the hundreds of diskettes or
cd-rom's they've sent to your home via the U.S. Postal Service during the past few years. (An aside: There is actually a website
which cheerfully suggests hundreds of uses and craft projects utilizing all those disks and CDs).

Bill Gates, software mogel and founding head of Microsoft, has been in hot water over including his 'Internet Explorer' WEB
BROWSER in every Windows 95 and Windows
98 computer produced within the past few years--prompting a lawsuit which charges that he is monopolizing the WEB BROWSER


Everyone knows what a website is -- a “place” on the Internet which contains information dealing with a particular topic of interest. You are now, of course, visiting the St. Philip Neri School website.

Websites are usually written in HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) using HTTP (Hyper
Text Transfer Protocol)--
see previous 'Words' below -- but you don’t need to know
anything about these as website publishing software is now user friendly and almost as easy
to use as word processing software.

A website is published from a particular computer which 'hosts' the website. ANYONE
can have a website FREE. Just run a search for “free website” and you’ll come up with
hundreds of choices of webpage hosts. If you click on the “Family Shoe Box” (at the
bottom of most every page of our website) you will see that you can set up a website for your family.

The computer which hosts our website is in North Carolina and owned by a company
named 'Koz' which is an affiliate of 'School Life' which is an affiliate of the nationally
recognized 'Global School House'. Koz provides free website hosting for schools and has
also visited St. Philip and trained our teachers in how to create and maintain classroom

Please visit our teacher’s new websites for a variety of information about what has been
going on in their classrooms. To get to the teachers websites go to our homepage and click
on the 2nd link.


A statement in a website or search result that indicates when the site was last updated -- pretty obvious.
But you would be surprised at how many sites do not include UPDATES. Good websites (like ours) always include updates
because they are important for those who need the
latest information. Notice on our homepage that each LINK tells you when it was last UPDATED. A good example of the
importance of UPDATES:

If you are searching the web for information about the latest news on a certain topic, your search results would probably return
thousands of choices. Without UPDATES you might choose a site which was updated last year.

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