The Day I Was Born
Thursday, February 27, 2025
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Week 9 - Open, Close, Minimize, Maximize Windows, Copyright Laws

Open & Close Programs

These instructions apply to computers running Windows 95/98.

Opening Programs:

There are 2 ways to do this.

1. Click on an icon (picture) that appears on the screen every time you boot up, then press
the “Enter” key.

Be patient while the program loads. DON’T keep clicking and entering or you’ll wind up
running the same program several times which may cause the computer to “hang up” or
“freeze”. This is not a terrible situation but one you want to avoid.

2. The second way to open programs is to click on “Start”, then “Programs”, then the
program you want to run.

There are many programs which do not appear on the “desktop” (the initial screen after
booting up) that you may want to run but can't see unless you use this 2nd method.

Closing Programs:

Close Windows Programs

Several ways:
1. Click on the "X" in the uppermost right hack corner of the window.
2. Click the "File" button and scroll down to "Close" then click.
3. For some programs, hitting the "Esc" (escape) key ends a program.
4. For some programs hitting the "Q" key will quit the program.
5. Hold down the "Alt" (alternate) key and hit the "F4" key.

Closing programs properly is important to maintaining your computer. "Ctrl" + "Alt" then "Del" should only be used a last resort
when nothing else works.

Click on the “X” that appears at the upper right top corner of the “window”. Usually you’ll
get a prompt that “Are you sure.....” click “Yes”.

If there is no “window” (full screen mode), then usually the “Esc” (escape button on the
keyboard -- upper top left corner) will do the trick.


The vast majority of software (in fact practically all software that you buy) is copyrighted. The software creator or the company which
produces this type of software has legally reserved its right to be the sole provider of this product and has protected it from
unauthorized duplication (by law--which doesn't necessarily mean that it is not POSSIBLE to copy it).

It illegal to copy and use another persons original copy of copyrighted software. It is also illegal to copy one program to more than
one computer. It's often easy to do, "everybody" does it, and it is WRONG. It is stealing another persons work. Period.

Schools and businesses often purchase a SITE LICENSE if they intend to use the same program on many different computers.
Site licenses are purchased by number of users and are less expensive (per "copy") than multiple individual copies would cost.
Another way to economically buy multiple copies of the same program would be to purchase a "lab pack", which usually provides 6
copies of the same program at a reduced individual copy cost.

Some very good questions that the kids have asked about this include:

"If we have two computers at home can we copy the same program to both computers?" No, the law is that the program can only be
loaded (or used) in one computer. If you want to use it in two computers you must buy two copies.

"Can I copy it on my computer at home and on my grandmother's computer? Then I wouldn't ever be using both copies at the same
time." No, you need to buy a copy of the program for each computer you use.

"Can I GIVE the program to my friend?" Only if you delete (or uninstall) the program for your computer before doing so.

"I saw my mother/father make a copy of .... Is that wrong? It depends on why they made the copy. If they were making a "backup
copy" this is perfectly legal. Software producers usually recommend making ONE copy of the original disk/s in case the purchased
copy is damaged or destroyed.

"How come YOU (meaning Ms. Campanella) copy programs for us to take home?" Excellent question. I do not make duplications
of copyrighted software for students. I do make copies of SHAREWARE, FREEWARE, and PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE:

SHAREWARE is not copyrighted. Anyone may use it and/or copy it, without paying for it. There are loads of shareware programs
available for downloading from the Internet. The program writer's intention is usually to get exposure for thier work, get a good "rep"
then begin copywriting and selling new software programs. Sometimes shareware is used as bait to get you to buy the "next
episode". Other times shareware gives you the initial part of a program or a "demo" and if you want to proceed through the
program you have to purchase the rest of it.

Although no laws apply to shareware some ethical issues are involved. The ethical thing to do when using shareware is to preview
it and if you intend to use it and are ASKED by the programmer to submit a nominal fee you SHOULD do so. You don't have to, but
you SHOULD. Shareware authors also ask that you not alter their work because by doing so, then giving others altered copies, you
misrepresent the original work.

Other Software is "FREEWARE". Exactly what it sounds like--absolutely free, no strings attached. Demo versions of longer
programs are often offered as FREEWARE. The programmer or company issuing the software hopes that you'll like the product so
much that you you will want to purchase the full copy.

PUBLIC DOMAIN software is available for anyone to use, copy, or alter.

In a nutshell, the 4 types of software in regard to legal and ethical uses are:
1. Copyrighted software--should not be copied
2. Shareware
3. Freeware
4. Public Domain

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